
深圳皇庭广场 GAGA咖啡馆
gaga鲜语咖啡厅全新店的设计这是一间属于LOFT风格的创意咖啡厅。在这个高度竞争的行业中,gaga鲜语代表的正是年轻,新鲜,现代以及时尚前沿的品牌形象,将其与众多其他品牌真正的区分开来。在为深圳的gaga鲜语创造一个新的店铺设计时,协调亚洲将那些帮助gaga成功的精华部分提取,并营造出一个穿越室内与室外的模糊边界的独一无二的空间概念。 这个为gaga设计的新商铺运用了现有品牌的主题颜色。整体氛围温暖,自然舒适。实木材质,柔软的针织材料河绿色的植物装点都为整个空间营造了一份平静休闲的和谐环境。 新的室内设计的主要概念在于“穿越边界”的概念,通过定制的天花板木饰板装置来表现,这些仿佛如同一缕缕阳光从店内破涌而出。木饰板沿着墙面延伸形成了商品的货架。大型的吊灯通过乒乓球大小的灯泡装点,与幽暗的灯光和轻柔的爵士乐共同营造出酒廊的氛围。室外的木地板延伸进入室内,逐渐转化为流畅的大理石地面。 gaga的灵魂在于它所提供的食物。更注重商品的细节,墙面上装满商品的货架在店内延伸,使顾客置身于gaga的饮食文化氛围之中。在这里顾客能找到在gaga自己的厨房中所使用的各种最优质的食材和调料。这个特殊的产品概念“从我们的厨房到你的厨房”不仅推动了gaga对于食物品质的要求同时也使顾客感觉在gaga自己的食品储藏室中随意挑选。gaga对于品质的关怀同样可以在其他细节中得以观察到;从彰显个性的餐具到装饰艺术品。没有相类似的物件,每一项都经过精心挑选。灵活的座位排布计划使gaga能够在保持家庭感舒适感的同时又能接待大客流。沿墙的沙发靠背椅一路从室内延展到室外。位于餐厅中央位置的自由式座位可以以多种方式组合试用,来根据不同场合和聚会人数等情况作出调整。立足于深入了解品牌本身,设计不仅着重表现并保留了gaga独特的品牌形象,同时让gaga的消费者在新店中将会有宾至如归的感受。

Lying on the slope of a hill, on the shores of Lake Lugano , the villa consists of two volumes organized on different levels due to the particular topography of the site.
A polygonal shaped glass pavilion with rounded edges stands above a linear underground block. The living and dining room, the kitchen and storage spaces are located in the pavilion, while bedrooms, bathrooms and garage are in the lower level. Each level relates itself with independent outdoor spaces, which are closely related with the interiors.
The glass pavilion overlooks two very defined areas: the first, toward the mountain, is a very private zone resulted in the area between the property line and the building setback line according to the local building code. The second is a garden overlooking the lake. In the same way, the bedrooms face a garden enclosed by the building and the perimeter wall.
The ring, obtained between the perimeter wall above and the pavilion, amplifies the interior space, with seems much larger than what it actually is. The ring-like space, that embraces the building on the north side, grants constant ventilation and natural light to the living areas, also due to the white cladding of the perimeter wall and white gravel which reflect the sunlight coming from the south. A night-time artificial light scene is the ideal reverse field for the lake panorama.
All the additional functions of the pavilion are contained in a central lacquered wood block, which acts as a sort of a thick penetrable wall that separates the kitchen from the living room without dividing the space with doors, and in which are located the powder room, the kitchen, the stairs, bookcases, all mechanical systems and the technological and audio-video equipment.
Great attention is given to the environmental aspects, as the use of geothermal energy, roof gardens, the rain-water collection system, the choice of highly efficient low-emittance glass insulated with argon gas, to optimize the thermal efficiency of the shell and the use of natural sun shading as the placement of deciduous trees in the south-west area of the building.