FOSS+beer 021: Kraft Beer

Judges and Lawyers: FOSS Clueless? | craft, indie, kraft beer | Gantt Project | Fate Brewing


Fate Brewing Company
Fate Brewing

  • Restaurant/brewery in Boulder, opened February 2013 (and saved the location from a string of bad restaurants)
  • Owner and founder came from many years with Big Red F Restaurant
  • 2014 GABF Laimas Kolsch Style Ale took Gold in the German Style Kolsch
  • 30 taps, some guest beers: Fate core beer, speciality bottle, speciality and collaboration beer. Available in a large number of restaurants and stores across Colorado
  • Boups predicts Broncos to win SuperBowl by 6 points (answer: Broncos won by 14)
  • What technology company will have a commercial? (answer: notable rookies were Amazon, PayPal, and Fitbit)


Judges and Lawyers: FOSS Clueless? (@ 12′ in)

  • 21st Capital v. Onodi Tooling case
  • Case is a not-to-be-cited, unpublished opinion decision by court in California
  • The case got called out in open source world due to unflattering “dicta” (if that) in the opinion
  • Mark explains procedural elements of appeals and review of trial court decision by appeals court
  • The money quote is really a quote in a footnote by a biased witness in an unpublished opinion … but still, here it is: “Open source code is basically, a group of people on the internet, and they’re kind of anonymous people that work together to create, you know, a particular program or develop some software together through, you know, collaborating on the internet, and you have no idea who these people are.”
  • Mark explains “factoring” and we discuss the facts of this case and various shady and crappy aspects of the case (that actually don’t have much to do with open source but nerd alert for Mark’s accounting background
  • Was this a matter of judges and lawyers need FOSS education (they probably do)?
  • This case seems to illustrate a shady plaintiff with a sub-par software service and a witness using the fact that some of that code happens to be OSS to try and poke holes into the viability of the software service, when that probably wasn’t needed… (or just actually doesn’t know what he’s talking about)


(@ 33:11 in)

  • From our recent guest, Dave Marr, an article about lingo controversy over “craft” beer being bought by “Big Beer” and a(nother) podcaster’s suggestion we should now called it “indie beer” a la indie music
  • Boups pointed out that “indie” music is probably not a really meaningful term
  • Some breweries may have been engineered to be acquired (works for tech world, why not beer?)
  • When are you big enough to be “Big Beer”? Or does it make a difference on where the beer is from (excuse the Belgian big beers?)
  • Mark’s all about the product and quality; Jilayne sees some value in authenticity
  • Boups recommends “kraft beer” for small batch beer made by Big Beer companies, like Colorado Native
  • Does it matter if a small craft beer gets acquired by a big brewery and that big brewery is Duvel?

Nerd & Tell:

Fallout 4 stuffed animal from NerdBox (@ 47:50 in)
Fallout4 stuffed animal

  • Question from Beer Nerd: Boups won!
  • It’s (just) a stuffed animal!
  • Boups asked if there is an OSS, Mark has homework for next episode. Jilayne has no idea what they are talking about.

Tech Tip:

GanttProject (@ 50 in)

  • What is it/what does it do? Another java based traditional waterfall PM/RM tool, similar to ProjectLibre (MAD note- I thought I’d talked about this software previously, but I may have been drinking while we recorded and got this wrong.  It’s here.) Nicer UI.
  • What license? GPL-3.0
  • Who might use it? Anyone that wants to manage and baseline discrete individual projects. Has (limited) MS Proj im/export
  • What does Mark think of it? Handy. WebDAV server support might be interesting.

Beer (again):

Fate Brewing Company (@ 53 in)

  • Fate is taking over the old Avery space on east Arapahoe as a brewing space to double their capacity
  • Nona Belgian Pale (growler) – Belgian blonde
  • Salted IPA (growler) – no info on website!
  • Pumpkin Peach (growler) – brewed w/ pumpkin puree and spices, “brewed the hard way” 4.9% ABV 23.7 IBU
  • Laimas Kolsch style ale (6-pack) – kölsch style ale 5% ABV
  • Moirai IPA (6-pack) – 7% ABV
  • Uror Gose (6-pack) – sour german wheat ale spiced w/coriander and sea salt 4.8% ABV
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