FOSS+beer 018: One step from a Kardashian reference

Linux FUD | Volkswagen software scandal | Funkwerks Brewing


Funkwerks Brewing

  • Out of Fort Collins, Boups and Mark have made a trip there
  • Specialty is saisons
  • Founders met in winter 2009 at a brewing college, Siebel Institute, and opened brewery afterward.
  • Distributed – At least through Colorado, don’t think you can get it out of state
  • Nice graphics, easy to spot on the shelf


Linux FUD / Clickbait (@ 8′ in)

  • Discussed article in the Washington Post: “The Kernel of the Argument, part of the “Net of Insecurity” series, with tagline: “Fast, flexible and free, Linux is taking over the online world. But there is growing unease about security weaknesses.”  by Craig Timberg
  • Does the author understand the technology he is talking about or (worse) he does understand them and is purposely misleading?
  • Takes multiple ideas and subjects and conflates them, e.g., kernel with the operating system; fails to compare to other operating systems; ties in headlines that are not related; and on and on…


Volkswagen: Could free software have saved them? (@ 31:40 in)

Nerd & Tell:

Movember   (@ 57:15 in)

  • Boups touting Movember for men’s health and suggests getting a heart check

Beer (again):

Funkwerks Brewing (@ 58:20 in)

  • All the beers we tried are from the Mainline series, but they also have Seasonal, and Experimental series
  • Saison  – saison ale – 6.8% ABV – Pairs well with high fives.
  • Tropic King – imperial saison ale – 8.0% ABV – Pairs well with hula hooping.
  • Raspberry Provincial  – 4.2% ABV – sour ale brewed with raspberries – Pairs well with cloud watching.
  • Deceit  – Beligan-style golden ale – 8.5% ABV – Pairs well with half-hearted apologies.
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