FOSS+Beer 010: Risk Calculus

Elevation Beer Co | Incompatible Licenses in the era of VMs | 5 1/4″ Floppy Discs & Sound Mixer


Elevation Beer Co
Elevation Beer Co


Incompatible Licenses in the era of VMs (at 10′ in)



  • It’s the unofficial FOSS+beer anniversary!! (that’s news, in case you didn’t know)
  • Brewers say state of Colorado not saturated…yet
  • Marijuana industry goes mainstream? with patents

Nerd & Tell:

5 1/4″ Floppy Disc & Sound Mixer

    • Boups found 5 1/4 floppy disc for video games from the 80’s in his storage locker of “memorabilia”

5 1/4 floppy

    • Mark has a Univox Jr 5 rhythm machine with buttons and knobs, with some variable settings that he found at a garage sale


Beer (again):

Elevation Beer Co

  • Elevation categorized their beers as blue (2), black (4), double black (4) – like ski slope ratings; and also the brewer’s playground (3)
  • 8 Second Kolsch – Special release. Available in 4-packs throughout Colorado. 4.2 % ABV, part of Brewer’s Playground series (and a green). Very accessible with a bit of spice, and approved to pair with Rocky Mountain oysters…
  • Little Mo’ – porter. 6.5% ABV, part of the blue series. Very smooth, well done for even the non-liker of porters. Pairing suggestions are super rich foods.
  • Apis IV – Belgian quadrupel. Beer brewed with honey (Apis is the genus of the honeybee). Silver 2014 Australian International Beer Awards. 8.7% ABV, part of black series
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